Tips For Hiring a Curtain Washing Service

Tips For Hiring a Curtain Washing Service

Before you hire a curtain washing service, make sure to ask several questions, including what type of cleaning process you want for your curtains. Do you want them dry cleaned or steam cleaned? What about specialty treatments? How much will it cost? Read on to find out. And be sure to ask about any extra services they offer! Then, you can choose the best option for your curtains. But remember, a good service is not expensive. In fact, it might be less expensive than cleaning your curtains yourself!

Dry cleaning

If you don't have time to clean your curtains yourself, you can hire a curtain washing service. There are two options for this: a DIY dry cleaning service and an on-site cleaner. Professional cleaners have the right training and adhere to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. A dry cleaning service has experienced staff and follows the National Emissions Standards for Waterborne Particulate Matter.

The cost to dry clean a set of draperies varies from company to company depending on the material and size. Some types of drapery are better suited for dry cleaning than others, such as those with intricate pleating or lace embellishments. You can save money by hiring a dry cleaning service if you have several sets of curtains. This is also an easy way to ensure the quality of your curtains. You can even get discounts if you are ordering several sets at a time.

Steam cleaning

Curtains are made of fabric and need to be cleaned often. They prevent excessive light and dirt from entering the home, keeping it cooler. They also trap dust and other types of bacteria, making them a breeding ground for allergies and other ailments. Luckily, steam cleaning is an efficient way to kill off these germs and remove dirt without any risk of harmful chemicals. Whether you're in a hurry or you'd like to avoid the hassle of cleaning your curtains yourself, steam cleaning is the best option.

When you hire a steam cleaning curtain washing service, they will first dry clean the curtains and vacuum up all the debris. For heavy stains, they'll use specialized cleaning tools and methods to get rid of them. After the pre-testing phase, the technician will then use the best method for your curtains. This may include injecting a specially designed solvent into the fabric and letting it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out. Once the solvent has done its job, your curtains are ready to be hung again.

Special treatment

Before washing your curtains, pay attention to the care instructions. This information is often printed inside the items. It may indicate that you should dry clean, hand wash, steam or use a commercial washing machine. If you are in doubt about the care instructions, ask the seller. Some materials are sensitive to water and moisture, so it is best to follow them. Ignoring them is like throwing money out the window. The following tips will help you take care of your curtains.

Tips For Hiring a Curtain Washing Service

If your curtains are made from synthetic materials, choose a delicate wash cycle. The water temperature should be at least 30 degrees, and the spin-drying speed should not exceed 400. While you're washing your curtains, fold them into a suds made of detergent and lukewarm water. Do not twist them or rub them. Then, hang them to dry. If you're unsure, dry them horizontally.


The cost of curtain cleaning varies greatly. A single set of curtains may cost very low, while a king-sized down comforter can be upwards. The type of material your curtains are made of will also impact the cost. Silk and satin curtains tend to be more delicate than regular fabrics, and require special cleaning methods. If your curtains have pelmets or swags, they are usually charged at the same price as the curtains.

Curtains are not the only items in your home that need cleaning. They accumulate dust, pollen, and dirt. While this buildup is not visible, it can affect your health in various ways. Cleaning your curtains is important for people with allergies, as dust and moulds on curtains can reduce the function of your lungs and cause other chronic conditions. And as the quality of your curtains can decline over time, having them cleaned by a professional is a smart decision.


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